Thursday, May 30, 2013

Common Problem In Your Business --- About Billing Management System

Common Problem In Your Business --- About Billing Management System

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why should I have a website?

Why should I have a website?

The heart of the web’s success is in connecting people with information, whether that be
a student looking for the nearest pizza parlor, or a local shoe store displaying its spring
collection to online shoppers. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, in
2008, 72% of Americans were online at least once a day, and 71% of online Americans
have bought a product via the web. The Internet provides a growing and increasingly vital
opportunity for businesses to reach new and existing customers with minimal costs. If
your customers are online, then the best way to connect with them is to join them there!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hub Pages for SEO

Hub Pages for SEO

Some useful article for SEO study for Hub Pages.
Good Quote:

A lot of people ask me if I recommend using rather Hubpages or Squidoo or Ezinearticles or some other service....
Why would you focus only on one? Use the all. Combine,
link them together and get better results. These services
are different, they all have advantages and disadvantages
but in the end they have one purpose: They will do you
good for SEO.

Two new thing to introduce for SEO:
  • Hub comment – participate other people Hub pages.
  • Link exchange request – write a link exchange request with high PR website / similar theme website.

Online Billing – The Different Benefits

Online Billing – The Different Benefits

Some of the things that modern technology, including the Internet, has given us are:
·         ability to conduct financial transactions from the convenience of one’s home without visiting the bank
·         being able to shop for almost any product and any service online
·         capacity to extend business reach into all parts of the globe
·         enhanced capability to manage customer relations including billing, email marketing, grievance redress and so on

Probably one of the biggest benefits that a business organization can enjoy is the ability to keep in touch with the customer wherever he may be. Now this applies to both - the customer’s location and the business’s location as well. No longer is it necessary for an individual to work by being bound to a desk and chair.

One such service that a business organization can deliver is online billing which entails the management of almost all his billing transactions including VAT invoices through his website. There are plenty of organizations or firms that deliver top-quality online billing services to meet the many requirements that a business owner has.

Why go in for an online billing system?

Considering the fact that there are different kinds of service providers who can deliver top-quality, secure and reliable online billing systems, it makes a lot of sense for business organizations to avail the same and enjoy a range of benefits.


Given the advent of technologies such as the Internet and even cloud computing, it becomes extremely easy for a business organization to access all the details of a customer as far as billing is concerned. For instance, all a business owner needs is a personal computer or even a smart phone and Internet access.

With this combination, he can see details pertaining to the various services that have been offered to the client and that need to be billed. This accessibility means that a business organization can remain up-to-date and accurate and serve the customer in a better and timelier manner.

Data visualization

Online billing also gives the business owner the ability to manage data better. This management capability also translates into the various forms of data visualization. Thus, charts and graphs that are extremely easy to understand can be generated with the help of online billing software.

There is no need to go through a big collection of papers or hard copies to see exactly how much a customer has been billed so far or the billing patterns in the past few months. Online billing also helps in better data analysis and this information can be used in several ways by the business organization and the customer himself.

Savings in many ways

Online billing helps a business organization save mightily across many aspects. Some of these aspects are:
  • ·         storage space
  • ·         paper consumption
  • ·         accounting personnel
  • ·         time spent in generating paper bills and mailing the same
  • ·         reducing carbon footprint which is always a good thing at the micro and macro level!


Most leading online billing companies deliver remarkable degrees of security to the business organization. When a business organization trusts such a company with his billing mechanism information, he can rest assured that even if his local computers were to crash, the data pertaining to customer data and billing will still remain safe.

Update on Personal Payments Service

Update on Personal Payments Service

Dear Customers,
As PayPal focuses on our business strategy of enabling secure and convenient commercial transactions in Malaysia, we regret to inform you that the Personal Payments service will no longer be available in Malaysia from 4 June 2013. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.
PayPal’s mission is to connect merchants of all sizes to millions of consumers around the world, creating more economic opportunity for individuals, businesses and communities. As such, we would like to assure you that you will still be able to use PayPal for commercial activities. For example, you can still shop and pay with any local or overseas PayPal merchant and receive payments for sale of goods and services from any local or overseas buyer with a PayPal account.
We have created this webpage to address concerns and questions you may have. You can also contact our customer support team by logging into your PayPal account and clicking on ‘contact us’ at the bottom of the page.
The success of PayPal depends on the success of the community. We thank you for your ongoing support in enabling more secure commerce anytime, anywhere and any way.
The PayPal Team
  1. Why is the Personal Payments service being discontinued?
    As PayPal focuses on our business strategy of enabling secure and convenient commercial transactions in Malaysia, the Personal Payments service will no longer be available to users in Malaysia from 4thJune 2013.
    PayPal’s mission is to connect merchants of all sizes to millions of consumers around the world, creating more economic opportunity for individuals, businesses and communities.
  2. What is the Personal Payments service used for?
    The Personal Payments service was offered to our users in Malaysia to facilitate payment of rental charges, shared expenses, or payments owed.
  3. Will I be able to send personal payments to other PayPal users living outside of Malaysia?
    No, unfortunately you would no longer be able to make personal payments to users both in Malaysia and overseas.
  4. Will I still be able to receive personal payments from other PayPal users outside of Malaysia?
    You can still receive funds sent from other PayPal users outside of Malaysia, consistent with the availability of this PayPal service in the country where the user is located.
  5. I have a Personal account. Does the removal of the Personal Payments service mean I will not be able to send payments for items I want to purchase?
    Regardless of whether you have a Personal, Premier or Business account, you will continue to be able to shop online and use the PayPal services for the commercial payment of goods and services. Only the Personal Payments service has been discontinued.
  6. Will it be possible for me to send payments to a merchant for a purchase of goods and service?
    Yes, you can make payments to merchants in Malaysia as well as in other countries for the purchase of goods or services.
  7. I’m a merchant. Will it be possible for me to receive payments from international buyers?
    Yes. Merchants can still receive commercial payments for sale of goods and services from both international and Malaysian buyers.
  8. Because of the nature of my business, I don’t have an online website. Will it be possible to receive payments from customers using PayPal for the sale of goods and services provided by me?
    Yes, if you are collecting payments in exchange for goods or services, your customers will still be able to make payments for your services through PayPal.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Taking The Help Of A Web Based Billing System

Taking The Help Of A Web Based Billing System

Imagine all your business processes done as far as your billing and accounting department is concerned; at a fraction of the cost. If you could outsource your accounting and billing operations to a reliable and reputable firm and enjoy seamless and smooth services then it would be an extremely wise business decision and here is exactly where opting for a web base billing system comes in. Most firms that deal with such web-based billing systems offer plenty of features and benefits.

What are the benefits of a web based billing system?
There is quite a wide range of benefits the business organization can enjoy when it scouts for an online or a web based billing system. Some of them are:
·         flexibility of the service which can scale up as the customer base grows
·         immediacy and up-to-date information which means that a customer can get billing information even somewhere in the middle of his billing cycle, if he so chooses
·         control of the billing process is possible from almost any location. All an individual needs is to have access to a laptop and Internet access
·         capability of delivering a high degree of data visualization and data customization as well

The features of a web based billing system

One of the easiest things that you can do when you are searching for a reliable and comprehensive billing system for your business organization, is to go through the websites of different firms that deal with this particular product. This will also give you a pretty good idea of the kind of features that they offer and the costs of the same.

Getting the highest possible value for your money is a good idea indeed when it comes to the choice of an online billing system. Most companies do have flexible packages or editions of such billing systems and depending on the kind of features that you want, you could either opt for a normal or standard version or go in for a full featured, premium version.

Enhanced user interface

With the help of a web-based billing system, you as a business organization owner can program the system in such a way that the user facing interface allows your customers to login and enjoy granular visibility and details as far as their bills are concerned. Such user interface also means that a customer can also use your web based billing system to make his payments online and in time.

Cross platform capabilities

A web-based billing system should also be capable of being accessed and operated and even controlled through different types of platforms such as Windows, Linux and so on. This would mean that you can enjoy all the features of such billing system regardless of the platform that your organization’s computers and network uses.


A web based billing system will be successful only if it promises completely failsafe security. This means that unauthorized personnel and even hackers should not be able to get into your network and access personal information of your customers and, even worse, credit card details that they may use while making the payments.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Very Versatile Online Billing And Invoice System By Operion

A Very Versatile Online Billing And Invoice System By Operion

Every organization needs a good billing and invoice system. The better the system, the better the financial management. And if you are a person who takes care of invoices then you need a versatile online billing and invoice system like Operion.

The spokesperson at Operion enumerated the advantages of using Operion. He said, “The best part about Operion is that you can manage your customer’s database at any time of the day and from any place in the world as everything is online and you just need to connect. You can also manage quotations and invoices of your customer’s very easily. Operion ensures that you need not be reliant on your accountant to print your customer’s statements and reports”

He further stated, “Most people who use software have the fear of losing information and data due to their computer crashing etc. However, with the use of Operion you can be sure that your valuable data will not get lost nor will it go missing.”
He went on to say, “Operion has been created with you in mind and most people do not like to open and close documents or screens to view information. But with Operion you can view invoices, sales reports, payments that are pending, customer’s statement etc, all on a single screen. No going back and forth between screens.”
The spokesperson continued, “Pending payments are a huge problem for organizations and reminding them is an even bigger problem. Most times organizations tend to forget to remind and this causes an huge hassle. This part is solved easily with Operion as it sends auto reminders to customers with pending payments.”
He finished by saying, “Operion billing is a one time purchase plan and there is no contract and no renewals. Contracts or renewals may not look expensive but over time these add on and add up to a huge amount, so a one time purchase of Operion is a great option.”
For more information on online billing systems, visit
A Hassle Free Online Billing And Invoice System By Operion

A Hassle Free Online Billing And Invoice System By Operion

A good billing system is essential for an organization to function. Financial management is easier with a good billing and invoice system. There are many billing systems but if you are a person with an eye for detail then you need a hassle free online billing and invoice system like Operion.
The Operion spokesperson outlined the various benefits of using the billing and invoice system. He stated, “Operion can be accessed online and this is the biggest advantage organizations have as they can manage their customer’s database anywhere and at any time. Managing quotations and invoices are very easy and you need not rely on your accountant for everything. Everything that is needed such as your customer’s statements and reports is right there at your fingertips.”
He went on to add, “Most computer users always have an inner fear that their system could crash and they would lose all important information that is stored. Everybody does not have the time to backup information and it is a cumbersome process too. However, if you use Operion your important data will always be safe and you can be assured that it will not get lost.”
He further said, “Operion was created with the end user in mind and hence it is very user friendly. No need to close and open documents to view invoices, reports, pending payments etc. All of this can be done on a single screen.”
He continued, “Most organizations have huge payment backlogs. This is mostly due to not sending friendly reminders on time. But with Operion this is solved as the software send automatic reminders to customers who have not paid.”
The spokesperson finally said, “Operion does not include contracts and renewals, you need to just purchase it once. Every aspect of this software has been created to facilitate you.”

For more information on online billing systems, visit

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Online Billing System – How Does It Work And Its Uses To The Business Organization

Online Billing System – How Does It Work And Its Uses To The Business Organization

Every business organization will make some vital decisions for some critical areas of business. Depending on the kind of business you run, you could come up with your own list of KRAs and KPAs and other mission-critical applications and figure out a way in which you will make informed and smart investment and business decisions. Some of such vital areas are:
·         customer management systems
·         financial and billing systems
·         Internet connectivity
·         manufacturing and production systems and
·         recruitment of various personnel

Now, these areas could certainly get tweaked as per your requirements but one area which will always remain critical to every business organization is the financial and billing systems. Every business owner would like to spend as much as possible on top- quality billing systems and software because mistakes here can affect the bottomline of the company.

One option that has emerged rather strongly in the world of accounting is the online billing system. Plenty of leading names have come up with reliable offerings as far as billing systems are concerned.

How does online billing system work?
Every business owner needs to ensure that his bills go out in time to all customers without fail. Certain customers might be on a weekly billing cycle and yet others on a monthly billing cycle. So either he has an army of accounting personnel who have surrounded themselves with ledgers, reminders and other books or he trusts online billing systems. An online billing system will mean that the business owner trusts a web based application that will take care of his billing cycles.

How does it work?

Normally, such online billing works by integrating pertinent details of customers. These details are name, address, email ids, cell phone contact or other telephone contact numbers and billing address if it is different from his contact address. All these details will ensure that the bill reaches the right person at the right address! And the company can also send an email reminder to the customer along with the soft copy of the bill.

On the other side of the record, so to speak, are the financial and billing details. Depending on the kind of billing services that are required, a firm will have to generate different bills such as:
·         tax invoices
·         telephone bills
·         credit card statements
·         internet connectivity services
·         export invoices and so on

Each of these bills will integrate specific details against a customer’s usage patterns for the preceding month. For instance, to generate a cell phone bill for a particular customer, the service provider will have to take into account aspects such as:
·         Local calls
·         International calls
·         Text messages that have been sent
·         Roaming calls if any
·         Taxes that are applicable
·         Other special services that the customer may have requested such as detailed billing and GPS activation

There is no doubt whatsoever of the fact that generating a detailed and accurate bill for each customer is a task that requires a lot of “groundwork” and collection of data. Such data collection can be done easily with the use of an online billing system.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Billing Management System – Uses And Benefits

Billing Management System – Uses And Benefits

When it comes to managing the all critical areas of billing and invoicing, many a business organization will turn to the best options and services providers they can find. There is little doubt of the fact that such services or options should make complete sense to the business organization. Solutions for business billing management systems should thus deliver:

·         Value for money
·         Flexibility in managing an ever increasing customer base
·         Security and confidentiality of data
·         Data visualization and analytics
·         Customization so that each individual customer knows that his bills cannot get mixed up with someone else’s
·         Interactivity, which will enable the customer to login to the website and check out his bill details, give feedback to the business organization where necessary and for which the organization can reply accordingly

There are plenty of options when it comes to billing management systems. Selecting from such options can be done after careful analysis of the features of the system and benefits that it provides.

Features of the billing management system

Depending on the capabilities of the billing management system, it can encompass critical areas such as inventory management, service utilization, data reports, great user-friendly interface, ability to meet global software standards and a high degree of customization of flexibility. All this will go into making the billing management system smart and capable of being easily controlled by its user.

Depending on the industry or service sector, such billing management systems can also be customized as per client requirements. For instance, a practicing attorney will have very different requirements from a billing management system than a cellular service provider. For an attorney, it would be all about time and billing, whereas a cellular service provider will have to take care of details such as local calls, international calls and even specific services that a client has activated on his mobile phone or cell phone.

Benefits of billing management systems

While there may be plenty of options as far as billing management systems go, one of the latest trends in this domain is the use of cloud computing which can deliver effective web based billing systems. Such a billing management system can have plenty of benefits for a business organization.

Flexible pricing

A business organization does not have to invest in a full-scale billing management system and personnel to run it. By opting for a cloud-based billing management system, for instance, an organization can pay only for the resources that it uses. And scaling up of the services can be done only when it is required. Using cloud-based or web-based billing management systems also means that an organization can create different types of pricing models and even policies which will govern its billing framework.


By opting for billing management systems, a large-scale enterprise can enjoy automation of this process. This means that an organization does not have to worry about sending bills on time and monitoring all the details that go into generating this bill. All these processes can happen automatically and in fact, a billing management system can also come with multi currency support to make it even more sophisticated.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Online Billing System - How Does It Work And Its Uses To The Business Organization

Online Billing System - How Does It Work And Its Uses To The Business Organization

How does online billing system work?
Every business owner needs to ensure that his bills go out in time to all customers without fail. Certain customers might be on a weekly billing cycle and yet others on a monthly billing cycle. So either he has an army of accounting personnel who have surrounded themselves with ledgers, reminders and other books or he trusts online billing systems. An online billing system will mean that the business owner trusts a web based application that will take care of his billing cycles.

Taking The Help Of A Web Based Billing System

Taking The Help Of A Web Based Billing System

Imagine all your business processes done as far as your billing and accounting department is concerned; at a fraction of the cost. If you could outsource your accounting and billing operations to a reliable and reputable firm and enjoy seamless and smooth services then it would be an extremely wise business decision and here is exactly where opting for a web base billing system comes in. Most firms that deal with such web-based billing systems offer plenty of features and benefits.

What are the benefits of a web based billing system?

There is quite a wide range of benefits the business organization can enjoy when it scouts for an online or a web based billing system. Some of them are:
  • flexibility of the service which can scale up as the customer base grows
  • immediacy and up-to-date information which means that a customer can get billing information even somewhere in the middle of his billing cycle, if he so chooses
  • control of the billing process is possible from almost any location. All an individual needs is to have access to a laptop and Internet access
Online Billing – The Different Benefits

Online Billing – The Different Benefits

Some of the things that modern technology, including the Internet, has given us are:
- ability to conduct financial transactions from the convenience of one’s home without visiting the bank
- being able to shop for almost any product and any service online
- capacity to extend business reach into all parts of the globe
- enhanced capability to manage customer relations including billing, email marketing, grievance redress and so on.

Probably one of the biggest benefits that a business organization can enjoy is the ability to keep in touch with the customer wherever he may be.
Now this applies to both – the customer’s location and the business’s location as well.
No longer is it necessary for an individual to work by being bound to a desk and chair. One such service that a business organization can deliver is online billing which entails the management of almost all his billing transactions including VAT invoices through his website. There are plenty of organizations or firms that deliver top-quality online billing services to meet the many requirements that a business owner has.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

On-Page Optimization Methods Still Valid in 2013

On-Page Optimization Methods Still Valid in 2013

SEO can be divided broadly into on-page and off-page optimization techniques. Simply put, on-page optimization is concerned with everything that can be done to boost your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs) on the webpage itself.
Off-page optimization deals with aspects that take place elsewhere such as the quality and relevance (though not these days the sheer numeric volume) of your back-links. An effective SEO campaign will usually take both into account, but the importance of complete on-page optimization cannot be overstated.
Several Ways to Build Your Opt-in Phone Numbers

Several Ways to Build Your Opt-in Phone Numbers

You Have Several Ways to Build Your Opt-in Phone Numbers

How Can SMS System Help In An E-Commerce Store?
Several Ways to Increase Your Opt-in Email Database

Several Ways to Increase Your Opt-in Email Database

You Have several Ways to Increase Your Opt-in Email Database

Owing An Operion Ecommerce Website Will Give You More Privileges

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mobile Credit Card Merchant

Mobile Credit Card Merchant

Simple & easy way to collect your payment from your customer!

2.25% per transaction charges. No setup fee, no monthly fee and no renewal fee!

Can give me the price in the table below:
IOS Device @ RM798
Android Device @ RM698

Detail transaction process: