Monday, February 20, 2012

Operion System Training (Venue: MSC Company)

7:01 AM

A list of customer who registered to attend our first system training as below:
Mr Liow, Colin Tan, Mr Saw, Stanley, Eeven Kho, Ms Goo, BRP, MyMart, I-com, Truckmage.

Participate partner:
EMAS Jeff/Vincent, WFL Christine, Kayin

Thank for yours support ==


9:00-9:30 AM
Enter and Seating
9:30-9:35 AM
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Good Morning to all our guests/clients here, welcome. We are delighted to have you here to participate in our system training. Thank you for coming. That many of you travel long distances serves to remind us all just how important our work is.
9:35-10:30 AM
Website DIY
* Q&A session
10:30-10:40 AM
Break Time
10:40-11:00 AM
3-STARS 20mins Introduction
** 5-8 mins for each speaker (Total 3 Speakers)
11:00-12:00 PM
EMS & CRM System
* Q&A session
12:00-12:10 PM
Introduce latest news & Promotion
Closing for system training
12:10-12:30 PM
Secret Revealed Session J